This note was received in the early dawn of Carly’s wedding day from our sweet and precious, Mother-of-the-Bride, Liz Skinner, whom wrote it the day before. Enjoy as you read her enthusiasm for her daughter’s big day!
Debra ~
I woke up this morning and realized my daughter is getting married tomorrow!
To say I am excited…is a complete understatement! Debra, it has been a pleasure working with you…and to feel like everything is under control…and enjoy this time with my family…well, I just cannot thank you enough.
So, this is just my little thought for the day….as I look at my daughter sleeping, her wedding gown hanging in the frame of the window….how fortunate we are to have you in our lives….looking forward to the celebration!
Liz Skinner
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. ♥ So love the people who treat you right. ♥ Forget about the one’s who don’t. ♥ Believe everything happens for a reason. ♥ If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. ♥ If it changes your life, let it. ♥ Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it…….thanks for being in our lives Debra!!!!